Pantai Mutiara Drone Snaps Jakarta

Pantai Mutiara is an excellent location for shooting with your drone. Its safe and sparsely populated in the mornings. You have plenty of material to capture. Its peaceful and tranquil to fly there but watch out for low flying aircrafts.
Local fisherman paint their boats in a wonderful array of colours. They love customizing their boats in all sorts of imaginative and innovative ways.

Some of the boats have a steam punk-esque vibe to them.  Here a fisherman catches a glimpse of the drone. His co-pilot finds it to be somewhat amusing.  

Some local Gojek drivers take a break from the road to fish for a few hours. The peer stretches over a kilometer out to sea. 

What I believe to be an ad hoc radio tower. Something you would expect to find in a Mad Max movie.....or Jakarta. 


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